Last updated
Last updated
PlayPHIL current development is focused on our mainnet launch. From there, we will work diligently to continuously improve, aiming to be the main GameFi platform for Web2 game studios and players.
Project Announcement to Public
SDK for porting Web2 games to Web3 (for Unity)
E-mail based authorization without a wallet
Portal UI: personal account, game directory
First games on the platform
TestNet launch (15th March 2023)
NFT mint for early access to the platform
V1 MainNet Launch (25 June 2023)
Dashboard and analytics
Token airdrop to early users
DAO presentation
30+ games on the platform
Focus on AMA with Partners to increase our community, encourage sales and social impact partnerships
Ongoing Social and Community Development
Mobile Store launch (Android)
Launch of our Bug Bounty Program
DAO launch
NFT mint for DAO
Social impact collaborations and 50+ environmental projects supported
80+ games at the platform
Monthly newsletter launch for direct communication with our players
SDK for Web3 native games release
100+ environmental projects supported
DAO Ambassador Program Testing & Implementation
NFT Airdrop Ph2
150+ games at the platform
This Roadmap is subject to flexibility and we will be sure to communicate any changes to our community first.
We are looking forward to achieving these milestones and happy to have support that we’ve already received.